Our campaign thrives on grassroots support. Your conversations with neighbors, family, and friends will pave our path to victory.
She cares about this community and knows it well. Sarah grew up here and went to Cotter. After her university education and work in the private sector, she returned home to find her state losing the voices in St. Paul that speak for the people of Greater Minnesota.
She knows firsthand the complex legislative process to get things done and understands the unique challenges of bringing local issues to the state and of collaborating across the aisle to benefit every Minnesotan.
Sarah Kruger is the Chief of Staff at FairVote Minnesota, a pro-democracy nonprofit. She holds a Master of Research in Political Science with a focus on electoral politics and is a passionate advocate of rural organizing across southern Minnesota. Sarah Kruger founded the Southern Minnesota Democratic Action Group, which empowers Greater Minnesotans across our region. RuralOrganizing.org hired her to run public affairs for the American Rescue Plan Act in the upper Midwest. Recently, she served as Campaign Manager for congressional candidate Jeff Ettinger. Sarah Kruger belongs to the next generation of politically active community advocates.
“I know Sarah will continue my efforts to serve our community by putting people above politics.”